Free daily meal pick up available for all children!! Segment III remote learners, homeschool students and any child 18 and under.
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free meal Pick Up
District Nutrition Staff at Waterboro Elementary School promoting free school meals today!
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
WES Staff
Tuesday, November 3rd is a district wide remote learning day. If you need meals for your children for this day please submit a request by November 1st with the link below.
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
November 3rd
November menus are now posted!!
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
November Menus
On October 9th the USDA announced the extension of free meals to all children 18 and under through the end of the 2020-2021 school year! Free meals consist of breakfast and lunch and must be a complete reimbursable meal in order to meet federal guidelines. Enrolled, in-person learners may receive free meals while attending school in-person. Remote learners, home schooled children, and any child 18 and under that is not of school age may pre-order meals for pick up by submitting the following form: RSU 57 highly recommends that all households continue to submit free and reduced applications for meal price benefits if you feel you may qualify. Each school district receives federal and state funding based on the percentage of students that are approved for free or reduced meal prices. Under counting those eligible for this program could harm many educational programs we rely on to serve our students. Regardless of whether your student chooses to receive school meals or not, it is critical that we properly account for all who are eligible. If you have any questions related to free meals, meal price benefit applications or remote meal pick up please contact the School Nutrition Department directly by calling (207)247-3221 x2257 or emailing
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free  Meals
WES Gr. 1-5 Remote learners: Our first day is tomorrow! Please log in to Zoom at 9:15am. If you have any questions, reach out to your child’s teacher via email. We can’t wait to see you virtually tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
About 75% of devices for remote learners were picked up this week! We’re open at MMS until 7 pm tonight. After today, devices may be picked up at your child’s school. If you are picking up tomorrow, please call the school first.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Perkins
School remote devices
Waterboro Elementary Families: Please see the following letter regarding dismissal procedures for school year 2020-2021. Dismissal card pick-up will be on Thursday, September 3 from 8am-2pm @ WES.
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES families, please check your email for an important update and view our Welcome Back Video at We are excited to see you soon!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Remote Learners: Save the date!! We will be distributing student devices next Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 9:00 in the morning and ending at 7:00 pm. We will be distributing all devices from the middle school, More information will come out tomorrow and Friday.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Perkins
Good morning, WES families! It is the final day to declare your intentions! If you have not yet filled out the survey, please do so here: Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
In order to decrease the amount of meal payments being handled by students and staff, we encourage all families to sign up for our online payment system. For more information on this service please visit the document section on our website. Documents>Information>School Nutrition Did you know... that you can earn one free bonus meal when you deposit $50.00 or more onto a student meal account. For example, a payment of $50 will be charged a fee of $2.49, but in return you will receive one bonus meal on the student meal account. The value of the meal exceeds the value of the fee. Bonus meals are automatically applied at lunch once earned.
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Online Payments
In an attempt to accommodate additional people for this evening's Community Information Session, the most updated zoom link is attached. Please be sure to use this link if you plan on attending at 6:00pm. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Updated links the the Community Info Night can be found below as well as within the district calendar Community Information Night appointment. Topic: COMMUNITY INFORMATION NIGHT Please click the link below to join the webinar:
over 4 years ago, RSU #57
For all in-person or remote learning students!! Meal price benefit applications are now available for all enrolled students for the 20/21 school year. Please contact the School Nutrition Department with any questions (207)247-3221 x2257
over 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
The link to0o tonight's board meeting had to be adjusted. Please go to the link on the district calendar within the School Board meeting event to access the link.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Perkins
Hello, WES families! It is important for fall planning that this survey is completed for each school-aged child in your household. Please help us ensure all RSU 57 students are accounted for by sharing the link with friends and family:
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES Families: Student Materials Pick-up & Device Drop-off TODAY (Wed, 6/10) from 8-2 & 5-7pm and TOMORROW (Thurs, 6/11) from 8-2. Grades PK-2, drive around the greenhouse & up to the PK/K wing door. Grades 3-5, drive around bus loop & up to main entrance. Remain in vehicles.
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Don't forget to watch "Ms. Positive Beats" on Maine Public Television at noon today! Our very own Samantha Person (WES P.E.) will be broadcast for the whole state as part of the Maine Department of Education's Learning Space Initiative. Congratulations, Sam!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Ms. Positive Beats
Maine's Department of Health and Human Services has received approval from Food and Nutrition Services to partner with the Maine Department of Education to provide a Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefit to school-aged children who normally receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch at Maine schools. This benefit will help to replace the value of school meals while students are learning remotely. Families currently receiving SNAP or TANF and have a child aged five through eighteen will receive a P-EBT benefit on their Pine Tree card in May. Families who are not receiving SNAP or TANF and have a child who is eligible for free or reduced school lunch can request the P-EBT benefit by calling 1-855-797-4357. Some household information will be requested by a phone agent who will then verify eligibility with the Maine Department of Education. Families who have not yet been found eligible for free or reduced lunch can apply through their local school district at the following link. Separate P-EBT cards will be issued for eligible families who do not already have a Pine Tree card. Please call our office if you cannot access the online application and we will mail you a paper copy. (207)247-3221 x2257
almost 5 years ago, Vanessa Richardson