A reminder to WES Families: Tonight is our Mustang Mystery Reader! Log on by 6:30pm to find out who made a raft out of empty plastic milk jugs and attempted to paddle 10 miles down the Kennebec River in celebration of the Kennebec River Whatever Race, losing a sneaker in the river! Who can it be? Join us on Zoom at 6:30pm to find out: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/85789494683 (Or join with code 857 8949 4683)
almost 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Good afternoon, WES Families! Join us tonight for our Virtual Family Fun Night: Celebrating Diversity! (See flyer attached for more information) Log on by 6pm to have some fun. Can't wait to see you! Join Zoom Link: http://bit.ly/3kpQuVH - OR use code 318 983 2515
almost 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Good afternoon and Happy March to our WES Families! Please see the attached flyer or our website for information about kindergarten registration for school year 2021-2022. Registration opens today! http://www.rsu57.org/registration
almost 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Good afternoon, WES Families! Tomorrow we will be having a spirit day in honor of our February study of careers and colleges. Students may dress up as what they would like to be when they grow up or come wearing their favorite college gear! We can't wait to see the creative outfits tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Good morning, WES Families! We are having a WES Spirit Gear Fundraiser Now-March 7th! All proceeds benefit the WES Food Backpack Program. Order here: https://www.rsdgraphicsonline.com/waterboro-elementary-school Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
A reminder to WES Families: Tonight is our Mustang Mystery Reader! Log on by 6:30pm to find out who used to run a non-profit animal rescue group, worked with children in the Cayman Islands, and brought her college softball team to a regional victory with a home run. Who can it be? Join us on Zoom at 6:30pm to find out: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/85789494683 (Or join with code 857 8949 4683)
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Congratulations to Samantha Person and WES Students for winning the Week 3 Award for WinterKids! Mrs. Person engaged students in making snowballs larger than their bodies! See more at: https://winterkids.org/blog/week-3-winners-in-the-2021-winterkids-winter-games/
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WinterKids Photo
Greetings, It is that exciting time of year again when we begin accepting applications for our PreK program for next fall. Please see detailed information about our program in the attached flyer. We will be accepting PreK lottery applications online through February 26, 2021. We look forward to meeting our youngest learners. Please feel free to share this information with any family that may have an eligible student for next fall. Thank you, The RSU 57 Administrative Team
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Free daily meal pick up available for all children! Segment IV remote learners, homeschool students and any child 18 and under! Sign up today for segment IV with the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexOaeSwQup1fCMd09KxQf9Hgx_A6MwUwXcmN0DMj32il1GWA/viewform?usp=sf_link Please contact the School Nutrition Department with any questions (207)247-3221 x 2257 or vanessarichardson@rsu57.org
about 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Free  Meals
WES Families, Please see the following notification regarding requests for in-person learning: Per RSU 57's reopening plan, we are accepting requests for adjustments from 5-day a week remote learning to 5-day a week in-person learning. Completing a request is not a guarantee of in-person placement. This survey is only for current remote learner families who are requesting a change to in person learning. Requests must be received by noon on January 20th and will be considered according to space in classrooms, on transportation, and in programs. Please complete a separate survey for each child in your home. Please know that we will continue to make every effort to accommodate your request/s. Homeschool families wishing to re-enroll in RSU57 are kindly requested to contact the District Registrar (pamelaledoux@rsu57.org). If wishing to re-enroll to be considered for in-person learning in Segment IV, homeschool families are encouraged to reach out to the District Registrar prior to January 18th. You should expect to hear back from us by Friday evening, January 22nd. Please note that Segment IV runs from January 25th - April 2nd. Thank you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 247-6126. Sincerely, Angela Madigan Form: https://tinyurl.com/InPersonForm
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES Families, Tonight is our WES Mustang Mystery Reader at 6:30pm. Please join us to find out who has been a restaurant server, teacher, cheerleader, swimmer, singer, and has been on the radio and TV! Who could it be? Join Us: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/85789494683
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Happy New Year! January menus are now available on the district website! Menu> Documents> Food Service Menus
about 4 years ago, Vanessa Richardson
Good evening, WES Families! This is a reminder that tomorrow, Monday, is PJ day and Tuesday is the day to wear your ugly, festive, or silly sweaters! Please see the attached flyer!
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Dear WES Families, Report cards are available for viewing on ParentVUE. Please see the directions for how to find your child's report card. Have a lovely weekend! (P.S. Monday is PJ day!) Viewing your child's report card: https://tinyurl.com/WESReportCards
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Viewing Report Card
Dear WES Families, Don't forget to join us for the Mustang Mystery Reader tonight at 6:30pm! (Begin logging in at 6:20pm). Who do you think the mystery reader and special guest are tonight? Join Us on Zoom: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/85789494683 Or use the code: 857 8949 4683
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Dear Families, The District is considering reinstating its early release days this January - May. This would mean 7 early release days on the following Wednesdays: 01/13; 02/3; 03/03; 03/24; 04/07; 05/05; 05/26. The Elementary Schools would release early at about 1:15PM. And, the Middle and High Schools would release early at about noon. Before doing so, we would like to understand how this will impact your family in these unique times. Transportation will be for those who currently ride buses. The primary purpose for this time is the same as in previous years - to work with teachers in supporting the educational needs of your children. Given the unique demands of the times, this professional time is especially important for our teachers. School lunch would be served either on site or as a "grab and go" on these days. Remote learning families would continue to access school lunch by way of curbside pick up. Your Response by Tuesday, December 15th is appreciated. Thank you! https://forms.gle/9tLeHyYXrVr8yw9UA
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES Families: We are holding a fundraiser for the WES 5th Grade to use toward a memory book and end of year celebration. Order your ornament by Friday 12/11/2020! See the attached flyer and fill out the form below to order: https://bit.ly/2IcPp52 . Thank you for supporting our 5th Grade Class of 2021!
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
Remote WES Families, A reminder that tomorrow, Monday, 11/16 we will hold our first "WES Connection" Remote Families Support Group at 10:00am. Please join here: https://rsu57.zoom.us/j/88000330315 (or join with Meeting ID: 880 0033 0315). Tell us how we can help & support you!
about 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES Families, Don't forget! Tonight is our Virtual Fall Family Night and Book Fair Kickoff! Please see the attached flyer for details, links are below: Family Night Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3P3CRFK Book Fair Link: https://bit.ly/2TOUORZ "See" you there!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan
WES Families, please see the attached flyer for information about our Virtual Fall Family Night on Thursday, 11/5 from 6-7pm. We will also be kicking off our Virtual Book Fair (ends 11/15). Order here: https://tinyurl.com/WESBookFair2020. Thank you for supporting WES!
over 4 years ago, Angela Madigan