2025/2026 New Student Registration

Kindergarten registration for 2025/2026 is open as of Monday, MARCH 10, 2025!

Please complete online registration by APRIL 18, 2025. If you have a child in RSU 57 PreK this year, you do not need to enroll them in Kindergarten. They will automatically be enrolled for the 2025/2026 school year.

See below for information to complete the Kindergarten online registration process.

New student registration with the RSU 57 school district is completed through an Online Registration tool in our student information system called ParentVUE. Before you begin the process, review the following important details:

The registration process has changed from prior years. The following types of documents are required to complete a new student registration. These documents must be provided during the Online Registration process, unless marked as optional during the process. The District Registrar will make contact if there are questions or if additional information is necessary.

  • Original Birth Certificate

  • Proof of residency, consisting of a current form of documentation with physical address, such as:

    • Mortgage Statement

    • Purchase and Sales Agreement

    • Signed Lease Agreement

    • Recent Real Estate Tax Bill

    • If you are living with someone in the district, or do not have a formal lease agreement, we need a copy of their proof of residency from the list above AND a signed letter stating that you're living at their residence.

  • Immunization Records

  • Enrolling Parent/Guardian Photo ID

  • Court issued custody paperwork (only if applicable)

  • For High School Students only: copy of last report or Transcript from former school

Accessing the Online Registration site

To access the online registration site, click here

  • If you currently have a ParentVUE account and are adding a new student, once you login there will be a link in the upper right hand corner for Online Registration.

  • Click the link and select the 2025-2026 New Student Registration packet to begin the enrollment.

  • If you are new or have never had a student in the district, you will need to create an account using the Create a New Account link under the More Options drop down at the bottom of the page. Once you enter your name and email address and click Continue to Step 3, you will be sent an email (to the address you provided) to finish the account creation process. After your account has been created, select the 2025-2026 New Student Registration packet to begin the enrollment.

  • Request For Translation Services - complete this form if you will require translation services during the student registration process

Note: parents should only submit a registration for a Pre-K student after they have heard from the School Principal confirming their child's lottery selection.

The District Registrar's Office will contact you following review of the registration packet with information to schedule a Google Meet video conference to complete the final verification steps that takes less than 5 minutes. You will be required to show your photo ID and the original birth certificate on the Google Meet.

For technical assistance email:
For all other questions, contact your community school.


Pre-K Lottery Application Information & Deadline
(now closed; submissions will go to the waitlist)

It is our hope that this memo will serve to clarify any questions regarding our district’s Pre-K programs. To begin, our Pre-K programs seek to serve our local schools first (Alfred Elementary School, Line Elementary, Lyman Elementary School, Shapleigh Memorial School, and Waterboro Elementary School). Each child who applies for the lottery will have an opportunity for selection. Once all openings have been filled by local residents, we will reach out to district community members who are on a waitlist to determine interest in program admittance, should spaces become available. Please review the district’s criteria below to understand our program admittance criteria:


Here is the link to the form that you will need to complete in order to be considered for admittance to our Pre-K program:

If you have any questions about how to fill out the form, please contact your local school's main office. Our goal is to make program notifications by Friday, March 7th. All students that are placed in a district Pre-K program will need to complete the Online Registration prior to Pre-K screening. Once all openings have been filled by lottery, remaining names will be drawn to create a waiting list, should room become available. Any interest from local school residents received after the lottery is complete and notification has taken place, will be placed on the waiting list. 

 If you know of any community families who may have an eligible student, please feel free to share this information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local school’s main office.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for all students.

New student registration with the RSU 57 school district is completed through an Online Registration tool in our student information system called ParentVUE. Before you begin the process, review the following important details:

The registration process for the 2024-2025 school year has changed from prior years. The following types of documents are required to complete a new student registration. These documents must be provided during the Online Registration process, unless marked as optional during the process. The District Registrar will make contact if there are questions or if additional information is necessary.

  • Original Birth Certificate

  • Proof of residency, consisting of a current form of documentation with physical address, such as:

    • Mortgage Statement

    • Purchase and Sales Agreement

    • Signed Lease Agreement

    • Recent Real Estate Tax Bill

    • If you are living with someone in the district, or do not have a formal lease agreement, we need a copy of their proof of residency from the list above AND a signed letter stating that you're living at their residence.

  • Immunization Records

  • Enrolling Parent/Guardian Photo ID

  • Court issued custody paperwork (only if applicable)

  • For High School Students only: copy of last report or Transcript from former school

The following documents are not needed at the time of registration, but can be downloaded for informational purposes:

RSU 57 2024-2025 School Calendar
RSU 57 School Nutrition Program - welcome letter from the Director of School Nutrition
RSU 57 School Nutrition Breakfast/Lunch Accommodation Request - download and complete this form if your student needs meal accommodations
RSU 57 Mobile App - the mobile app provides important news, events, and alerts information to the RSU 57 community
ParentVUE Website and Mobile App - the ParentVUE website and mobile app allows parents to stay on top of upcoming school events, classroom happenings, assignments, tests, and academic performance
StudentVUE Website and Mobile App - the StudentVUE website and mobile app helps students stay informed about their academic experience
RSU 57 Transportation - Versatrans eLink & MyStop App Instructions - the mobile app provides parents/guardians with secure access to their students' bus route information
Pre-Screening Tool for School Attendance - when to stay home if your student is sick
Massabesic Adult and Community Education - learn more about the opportunities available to the RSU 57 community through the Massabesic Adult and Community Education program...there is something for everyone!

Accessing the Online Registration site

To access the online registration site, click here

  • If you currently have a ParentVUE account and are adding a new student, once you login there will be a link in the upper right hand corner for Online Registration. Click the link and select the 2024-2025 School Year - New Student Registration packet to begin the enrollment.

  • If you are new or have never had a student in the district, you will need to create an account using the Create a New Account link under the More Options drop down at the bottom of the page. Once you enter your name and email address and click Continue to Step 3, you will be sent an email (to the address you provided) to finish the account creation process. After your account has been created, select the 2024-2025 School Year - New Student Registration packet to begin the enrollment.

  • Request For Translation Services - complete this form if you will require translation services during the student registration process

Note: parents should only submit a registration for a Pre-K student after they have heard from the School Principal confirming their child's lottery selection.

The District Registrar's Office will contact you following review of the registration packet with information to schedule a Google Meet video conference to complete the final verification steps that takes less than 5 minutes. You will be required to show your photo ID and the original birth certificate on the Google Meet.

Please contact the Registrar at with any questions about the Student Registration process.

Registration Option